Wednesday, January 27, 2010

In the beginning was the word..

This blog is an on-line venue to augment our Sunday morning conversation in the dining room of the Assumption convent for the alumni of the spiritual exercises.  The word "Assumption" in the blog's title is a reference to the role that the Religious of the Assumption   plays  in bringing us together. And  "Examiner"  is a reference to the role that the Spiritual  Exercises continues to play in our lives.


  1. I'm happy to be the first follower with the full knowledge that the first shall be last and the last shall be first. We should get used to this kind of paradoxical language in John (light/darkness;blindness/insight;thirst/welling up;bread/eternal food). When Jesus says in John 8:58 "Before Abraham was, I am," we have the temporal/eternal paradox personified in him. We praise it every time we say the Gloria. Whenever we share his name, we are both fully in time and lifted out of it.

  2. Thank you Ron. I hope that you will be an author of this blog and make entries of your own as well as comment on other author's entries. To do that, click on the "New Post" link at the very top of the page, give your entry a title-- then share your thoughts, add pictures, links to other web pages whatever. For instance, rather than sharing your ideas on John's paradoxical language in a comment to my initial entry explaining the name of the blog, click "New Post" at the top, give your thoughts a title like say "John's paradoxical language" then enter your thoughts. That way people can comment on this separate from the entry explaining the title of the blog.

  3. Hi!
    Thank you Todd for inviting me to the blog. I am glad to be part of it.

  4. Thanks so much for setting this up Todd. I'll look forward to having this be an arena for carrying our conversations into the week, into our prayers and reading.

    There's an amusing typo in this first post. We meet in the "dinning room". We do make a din sometimes,as we hope to hear our shepherd's voice amidst it all.

    with love,

  5. Ann, Thanks for pointing that out. It is so good to hear your voice on this page.
